Friday, June 19, 2009

Better Late Than Never!

Where the HELL did June go? It seems like it was just the other day it was the beginning of June and now July is just around the corner. Well anyway, I've clearly been slacking in blogworld. Earlier this month we celebrated a momentous day - Tyson's 2nd birthday! It's hard to believe that he used to be this cute little bundle of joy:
And now he is this nay-sayin', selective hearin' little bundle of energy:
You gotta love him though... He can literally make me smile even on my worst days and a kiss from him is medicine for the soul. Can't wait to see what adventures the next year brings!!


Kristina P. said...

I love his little blonde curls!

Grand Pooba said...

Happy late bday to Tyson! Oh how time flies!

Cynthia said...

Happy Birthday Little Guy! Stink, he's so cute!

Michelle said...

Such a cute picture of him. June did go by fast in a blurr of rain. I think time just goes faster as you get older. My "baby" is going into second grade.

The Nice One said...

WOW, what an adorable little boy! That's an awesome pic on the tractor!
Time sure does fly, right?