Monday, August 3, 2015

Let me tell you a secret...

I have a confession. 

I'm in love... with my life.

I didn't think it would happen again... but instead of questioning or fighting it, I've decided to let it envelope me like a warm blanket. I emerged from an abusive relationship with an enormous wall that
I'd erected and my share of issues to work through.

As I have gathered the broken pieces and mended myself, I discovered a new passion for life. 
And I fell in love with it. 

I had spent the past 18 months tiptoeing around him and suppressing my real self. So 2015 has been dubbed #theyearofadventure. I have been introduced to the wildly addictive sport of rock climbing and I find it both terrifying and thrilling all in one. It is challenging both physically and mentally and forces me to focus and problem solve. I love it.

I've seen some beautiful things in the first seven months of the year. Climbed in 3 different states.

Visited our nation's capitol and run on the Mall.   

Star gazed on a slab of redrock with a man who has changed my life and given me 
a renewed sense of joy and purpose.

I have never been so at peace with life and the ups and downs it brings.

I have been blessed with being able to share some wonderful moments 
and make lasting memories with this little man. Many more to come. 

We've been welcomed into an amazing family and never felt more at home.

We've soaked in the views and restoring water of countless waterfalls.

Climbed a mountain or two...

...and stepped out of my comfort zone to try things I never imagined I would do.

My birthday is in a week and I am excited about the adventures that await me in my 34th year. I often have people comment about how they are jealous of my adventures, the places I visit and the things I do. 
My response is to pull them in close and whisper:
 "You can too - you just have to make it happen." 
Life is incredibly short if you think about it, so why spend the better portion of it wishing you could be out there living?

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