Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ever Wonder...

...what a nearly two year old wants to do when hubby has to work late and watching more TV is out of the question? Walk to your local park, of course!! We load up the vehicle (ok, so it was just his miniature car) and head out.

Climb up onto awesome slide:
Head down, face first of course!

Try valiently to take out Mom on the trip down:

Dust yourself off:
And repeat: Over, and over, and over.


Christy said...

that looks like fun.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day! He's a cutie.

S and L said...

And to weren't sure you wanted to be a mom! How much fun is Tyson! What a doll! (When is #2 coming along?) lol

Grand Pooba said...

Of course! What fun would be in the slide if he didn't knock mommy out?

LCO's said...

Oh my gosh I LOVE his hair! He is so precious and still a baby. My sister is a baby thief and might steal this cute one I would watch your blog back.